Club Cares relies on people who are interested in helping those in need regain their dignity and learn to achieve goals of their own.  There is a great deal of personal satisfaction achieved when assisting someone in need. Helping someone rise from the depths of despair, regain their dignity and hope for the future is a very rewarding experience for everyone involved.Assisting a person to become self-sufficient pays lasting dividends in knowing you’ve truly made a difference in someone’s life and that that difference will result in a brighter future for them and their family.

Applications to Club Cares Inc are approved only through a referral or recommendation from a member of the Property Club. Please ask your Property Mentor or Branch Manager for more information.

Nominate someone or Apply Now for Funding!  Download the Club Cares Application for Funding Form
You can apply for a donation by downloading the Club Cares Donation Application Form

Once completed please email it to