Through the generous support and donations of our Corporate Partners and Property Club Members, staff and suppliers, Club Cares has raised over $2.1M and generously supported worthy recipients and causes. Some of those we have helped have shared their stories below.

Do you know someone we can help? Please email or fill in the Apply for Funding form located on our home page.

Irwin Vale – $10,000

Irwin was involved in an accident in Fiji in 2008, and was left with incomplete quadriplegia and no compensation. After 14 months of hospitalisation and rehab, Irwin walked out on crutches. However, being discharged home after a spinal cord injury is not an easy thing. Getting used to living at home with so many changes is challenging, and not being able to continue rehabilitation and recovery is very difficult. In 2010, *Club Cares came into the picture at the right time with a generous donation of $10,000 *which financed exercise equipment and parallel walking bars so Irwin could continue his journey to independence. The donation will also finance a state of the art Electronic stimulation orthotic device which will assist with walking. To read Irwin’s full story and how Club Cares has made a difference to his life, please click here.

Vernon Lewis – $3,000

YIC President Ace Lewis approached Club Cares to assist his father Vernon. Vernon has had Multiple Sclerosis for many years and has been going well but about six months ago fell and broke his hip and needed a replacement immediately.

He has been in hospital since then and whilst getting better needs to have some modifications done at home as well as some mobility assistance before he can return.

Vernon required $3,300 to purchase a specialised THERA-Fit Exercise Machine. This machine will enable Vernon to build his strength in the comfort of his own home, reduce travel and dependency on outside help. In turn, this will greatly improve Vernon’s quality of life.

Branch Manager Lesley Kolega donated her Dry July fundraising to this cause and a follow up online campaign to our Property Club Members raised the remaining amount. Club Cares is delighted to have helped Ace and his father Vernon!

Kieron – $1,500

Kieron is a 30 year old Quadriplegic who broke his neck in 2004 when he was 17 in a diving accident jumping off a bridge down the Gold Coast with friends. Kieron was put in touch with Club Cares through our partnership the Paraplegic Benefit Fund.

Kieron does voluntary work at Primary, High Schools and Hospitals doing Awareness/Motivational Talks which he finds to be his purpose in life and finds it very self-fulfilling.

Last year he was gifted a wheelchair vehicle and after going to a specialist service centre that deals specifically with modified vehicle’s like Kieron’s they’ve quoted $1,500 to replace and fix some issues. Club Cares is delighted to assist Kieron with these repairs that will allow him to continue living independently.

Benjamin Jenner – $5,000

Property Mentor Peter Tacey approached Club Cares to assist Benjamin Jenner with the costs of having a trained Assistance Dog. Benjamin has autism and anxiety especially in busy/noisy places which can lead to sensory overload.

An Assistance Dog can help the family do things that others take for granted. Benjamin would be tethered to the dog so he cannot run away. The dog also calms him and can assist with concentration. The cost of an Assistance Dog is $40,000, and recipient families are asked to raise
$25,000 of this. The family has already raised $20,000 of this cost.

In both Hobart and Melbourne, fundraising has taken place at Property Club Workshops. In addition, Tracey from Landlord Protection has also donated $2,000. Club Cares is therefore able to provide a full donation of $5,000.

Megan Healy – $5,000

Megan is the niece Property Club Member Elaine Slade and a wife & mother to three children. Megan has multiple sclerosis. She was diagnosed when she was in her late twenties. At first it was thought that she had a mild form of the disease, however in the last few years she has become a great deal worse. She is only 47yrs old. Over the years, Megan has involved herself in raising money for MS research. She even drove a lawnmower from Melbourne to Sydney to raise money!

With the help of her husband Brian, their three children are very involved with the Little Nippers Club and beach carnivals. Megan has to stay in the car park or the Club House in her wheelchair, she is currently unable to join her family on the beach. In the summer months her family can on the beach every day, for hours at a time.

Her dream is to have an Electronic Beach Wheelchair to gain access to the beach and feel more part of their achievements and disappointments. It would be life-changing for Megan and her family.

Our PMC Members raised $2,500 at the 2016 Norfolk Workshop. With Club Cares matching, we are able to provide a total donation of $5,000 for Megan.

 Samuel Thorne – $1,120

Kim Day from Eagle Real Estate, a friend of the Property Club, approached Club Cares to assist the Thorne family to bring home their son Samuel. Nine year old Samuel contracted a rare condition called Transverse Myelitis that has left him a quadriplegic, dependent on a ventilator and unable to

To bring Samuel home will require a huge amount of funding, well in excess of $350,000. Bringing him home will allow him to be with his family and to function as best as possible with his new condition. The family will also be able to better care for his body personally.

Club Cares posted out a direct email to our Property Club Members and with Club Cares matching, are delighted to donate $1,120.

Kristen Meadows – $1,000

Branch Manager Jake Sewell was approached by his members Jane (PMC) and Kristen (YIC) to see if Club Cares could assist with a USA trip for Kristen to seek medical treatment. Kristen is 27 years old and has a rare bladder condition with chronic pain, which prevents her from leading a normal,
independent life. Kristen is seeking alternative treatment to try and get the infections under control so she can reduce her symptoms.

Jake has held several fundraisers at his events and has raised $500, with Club Cares matching we are delighted to donate a total of $1,000.

Alyssa McCartney $14,000 and counting

Property Mentor Deb Morgan approached Club Cares to assist Alyssa and her family in their quest to purchase a wheelchair modified vehicle. Alyssa has Lissencephaly, literally meaning a smooth brain. This leaves her with severe physical and mental disabilities.

The family has requested funding to assist with the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van. At 9yrs old and 30kg, Alyssa is too big for her parents to lift her in and out of the car. To reduce the risk of injury to both Alyssa and her parents, she needs to be able to access the family car in her wheelchair. It would also increase her safety and level of comfort.

At the 2016 Wealth & Property Expo, Property Club Members raised $5,000 towards Alyssa’s campaign. With Club Cares matching this, we can provide a total donation of $10,000. Our NSW branches are continuing to fund raise reaching $14,000 so far.

Lachlan McPhee – $1,000 – August 8, 2016

Property Club Members Angela Ferris and her mother Dr Evelyn Ferris approached Club Cares to assist Lachlan McPhee. Lachlan has severe autism and anxiety and spends the majority of his time within the house. He is a large, young man now and requires a supportive, reclining chair for his
posture, and the rocking motion helps to calm his anxiety.

The family had requested funding to purchase a Lazy-Boy Recliner. Club Cares is very fortunate that Property Mentor Suellen Drysdale knows a local provider in Lachlan’s home town who has offered the chair at cost-price of $1000.

Suellen, from Galway Branch, has already raised funds for Lachlan and the Byrnes Branch have another fundraiser planned. Club Cares believes this is a very worthy candidate and are grateful for the assistance from Steve Watts from The Recliner Specialists.

Toni Murray – $5,000 – July 28, 2016

Staff member Danielle Palfi approached Club Cares for her mother Toni Murray for medical costs.  Toni has been diagnosed with cancer and is going through chemo & radiation.  The extended family and friends have been financially contributing, but with expenses mounting, Danielle was hoping Club Cares could assist.  Toni was diagnosed with cancer after going undetected for almost a year.  Doctors thought it was arthritis related and Toni spent months in agony to see a rheumatoid arthritis specialist and living on Panadol in the meantime, whilst still working.  Her age and health are definitely positive things going for her as she is only 54 years old and also a new grandmother to the gorgeous Vivian.

Club Cares launched an email campaign to all Head Office Staff, Branch Managers, Property Mentors and Researchers.  This campaign has raised $2500 and with Club Cares matching we were able to donate $5,000.

Bill Dodds – $10,000

A momentous occasion for Bill Dodd and his family as he receives his first ever wheelchair modified van. Bill and his wife Tracy are off on holidays, free to explore at their own pace. A $10,000 donation from Club Cares, including $5,000 from Deppro, the Depreciation Specialists has made this possible. Thank you to all our Property Club Members for their donations – amazing results are achieved.

Nathan Hoare – $7,000

Anne Greening and Branch Manager Carol Worboys have nominated Nathan Hoare to receive a $7,000 donation from Club Cares for partial funding of a Standing Wheelchair. After a fall from a balcony, Nathan acquired a brain injury leaving him with severe physical and cognitive impairments.

Nathan is active in his community and runs a small plant stall at the local markets. The ability to stand will give Nathan the opportunity to talk to his customers face to face and also to achieve daily living tasks. It will increase his self-esteem and allow him to do things without asking or waiting for help. The standing wheelchair also has health benefits such as pressure relief and improving digestion and circulation.

Paul Malone – $554

Branch Manager Carol Worboys and her team are long-time supporters and fund raisers for Club Cares. Carol & her husband have recommended their friend Paul Malone to Club Cares for wheelchair funding (top up) to the value of $554.

Due to effects of multiple myeloma cancer and kidney failure, Paul struggles to move around without getting out of breath. He has dialysis three times a week and needs help walking, showering and daily duties. To regain his independence and allow for more social interaction with his community, Paul needs a wheelchair.

Nicholas Randall – $4000

Property Club Members Jackie & Keir Douglas approached Club Cares to help finance bathroom modifications for their long time friends’ son Nicholas. Nicholas is a bright and friendly 8 year old boy with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy – spastic quadriplegia. He has significant physical impairments.

The family has requested funding to assist in the rebuilding of their family bathroom to make it safe and adequate for Nicholas’ needs. In August 2015, Jake Sewell (Branch Manager) held a fundraising event raising a whopping $2090. This also includes $440 raised at Fred Zanette’s (PM) earlier Workshop. With matched giving from Club Cares we were able to donate a total of $4180 for Nicholas. *A very special thank you to all our Brisbane Property Club Members for such generous donations!*

Jackson Morcom – $900

Jennie Elliott, Property Mentor, works closely with the Epilepsy Centre in SA and suggested a donation for young Jackson Morcom. Jackson is 18mths old and suffers from epilepsy with severe seizures in his sleep. The family is looking to purchase a Seizure Mat which will monitor and alert the parents when a seizure occurs. As Jackson’s parents have to sleep with him during the night to monitor him, this mat will allow them much needed rest and the security that should a seizure occur they will be notified by an alarm. The mat will also enable Jackson to grow up enjoying his own bed in his own bedroom, thus providing independence as he becomes a young boy. Thank you to all our SA Club Members who have donated to Club Cares over the months to fund the $900 purchase of this mat.

Keran Villas – $7,000

Jill Clifford, a Property Mentor in Robert and Jan Parkinsons South Australian branch, raised funds to support a young single Mum, Keran Villas, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. A Club Cares supported event, guests were welcomed with a glass of bubbles, live music, wine tasting, a ‘bring & buy’ trading table, dance performances and the most scrumptious afternoon tea. With $3,500 raised and matched by Club Cares, a total of $7,000 was donated – an amazing amount which means on Keran’s passing her 3 children will not have to be concerned with funeral expenses. A sad but necessary expense. Guests were amazed at the Property Club’s generosity and the support of the Clifford branch.

Elijah Selkrig – $2,740

Elijah is the grandson of Club Members Greg & Denise Selkrig and has been diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD).  He requires an FM receiver and transmitter which will bring voice signals direct to the ear, minimizing interference and the impact of background noise.  As Elijah gets older and struggles to keep up with his peers at school, this hearing device will give him a greater quality of life as he is able to learn and grow.  It allows Elijah to concentrate on ‘thinking and reasoning’ instead of trying to hear. Elijah’s grandparents Denise & Greg and their BM Carol Worboys are all very active in the Property Club.  Denise & Greg have purchased three Club properties.  Club Cares is delighted to donate $2,740 for the purchase of this hearing device.

Natalie Horobin – $3,000

Thank you to Branch Manager Allana Wignall for assisting Natalie Horobin in her application for Club Cares for the purchase and fit of a ‘Rush Foot’ prosthetic.  Natalie is an amputee and an athlete whose goal is to attend the 2016 Rio Paralympics in discus throwing.  BM Allana and her members have been fundraising towards Natalie’s case and Club Cares is delighted to donate $3,000 to Natalie.

Vanuatu – $5,000

Special thank you to the many Property Club Members who helped set up our Vanuatu Appeal.  Vanuatu was severely devastated by a cyclone and our members together raised $5,000.  This money will go towards a private project on one of the most affected islands to rebuild the Chief’s Nakamel.  This building is of highly significant cultural importance to the communities of Vanuatu.  The project was launched by a team of Australian Researchers and volunteers.  Stay tuned for photos!

Georgia Lawson-Smith – $5000

Club Cares recipient Georgia receives a $5000 towards her total bathroom modification.  Georgia has muscular weakness and mental impairments.  She loves water and loves to have a bath, but is now too big for the small bath in their current bathroom.  To put in a bath that will see her into adulthood, we need to demolish the existing bathroom/toilet/linen cupboard to enable a complete configuration of the space.  Georgia’s family requires a total of $21,000 and Club Cares has donated $5,000 towards this.

Ann Carter – $3,870

Congratulations to PM Fred Zanette for helping his member Ann with her Club Cares application!  Ann has received $3,870 to use for her kitchen modifications.  Ann is now fully dependent on her wheelchair and these modifications will make sure her independence is maintained.

Alex Politakis – $1000

Club Cares was approached by Rhonda Farmer (Property Club Member) to assist nine year old Alex with the purchase of an iPad and accessories. Alex presents with very complex communication needs.  An iPad can provide him with the ability to work independently within the mainstream school environment.

Bill Bellairs – $20,000

Club Cares was approached by Red Cross National Manager Frederick Wilson to Mr Bill Bellairs with a donation of $20,000 for home repairs and modifications.

Bill is one of the last surviving Kokoda War Veterans in Australia. He is an active member of his community on the Gold Coast, patron of the Kokoda Wall (Cascade Gardens) and custodian of The Southport School.  Sadly, his wife passed away a few years and to enable Bill to remain in his home, repairs and modifications are required.  Club Cares is very honoured to be able to assist Bill.

We are also very honoured to be given a feature article in the magazine ‘The Last Post’ for our donation of $20,000 to Bill Bellairs.  This glossy magazine has a nationwide distribution and is even received by the Governer General.  Please click here to read the article.

Tirion Rodwell – $1600

The Rodwell family lost their 14 month old son Wolfe to a very rare  condition of coronary vasculitis earlier this year. The family is  struggling with both their grief and the medical expenses associated with  Wolfe’s hospital stay and funeral expenses. Club Cares are very humbled to  be able to assist the family by finalising the overdue account with the  funeral provider.

Branch Manager Anne Greening and her members have generously supported this cause.

Harvey Lynch – $5000

Harvey suffers from Lyme Disease, and although not recognized in Australia,  the family have had conclusive results stating as such. The Lynch family  do not receive any medical aid or government assistance. Harvey’s mother  Yvonne has been a TIC Member since 2008 and with full support from her  Branch Manager Allana, Club Cares was delighted to donate $5000 for medical  expenses and the purchase of a new bed for Harvey.

Allana and her branch have two fundraising events organized for Club Cares  to promote the Lynch family cause. They have an Advanced Workshop in July  and will be holding a BBQ Sausage Sizzle at Harvey Norman (where they will  purchase the bed) by September 2013.