
Vernon Needs Your Help!

Vernon is the father of one of our YIC Members.
He has had Multiple Sclerosis for many years and has been going well but about six months ago fell and broke his hip and needed a replacement immediately. He has been in hospital since then and whilst getting better needs to have some modifications done at home as well as some mobility assistance before he can return.

Vernon requires $2,500 to purchase an Adjustable Bed. This bed will give Vernon comfort and the ability to be upwardly sitting when he has guests. To be able to greet family and friends and spend time with them will greatly improve Vernon’s quality of life.

Just over $1,000 has already been raised for Vernon through fundraising within the Property Club.

Please help us reach our goal, to donate please visit Ref: VERNON

Caralyn Pearce | Club Cares Coordinator

Ref: Vernon