Your Chance To Show You Really Care!
If you’d like to donate your time, Club Cares would love to welcome you in one of our new roles – a state club carer or club carer.
State Club Carer Volunteers
A local volunteer role we need one or two people in each state for the voluntary role of state club cares coordinator. You would be the local point of contact to assist in creating fundraising events at workshops and events, sourcing recipients and generally being ‘active’ in the charity. PMC members and active Property Club members or retirees are encouraged to apply. No experience is needed, just a passion to help others.
This role will be fully supported by Caralyn Pearce and brings the ‘fun’ to events!
Club Carer Annual Membership
For just $50 a year. Are you a fan of our Club Cares charity? Would you like to help us keep the charity flourishing? For a nominal yearly contribution of just $50 you can become a “Club Carer”. As a Club Carer, your donation will join a pool of funds – every drop makes a difference! Join our Club Carer program by filling out the form on the Club Carer page.
For all enquiries relating to the State Club Cares Co-ordinator and Club Carers, please contact Caralyn Pearce at